(A Newsletter for Shining Stars, India)
January 2009 Volume - 7 Issue - 4
Quote of the Month: "God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with." -Billy Graham The Bible Says: "And the woman conceived, and bare a son; and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months." Exo 2:2
Picture of the month:
This picture was taken at one of the Sunday School Training Programmes that we conducted in December'08. We could able to equip 30 teachers, who made their commitment to improve their Sunday School in their Church; 4 New Sunday Schools were started
From the Director's pen
Dear Friends,
It is said 'Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm'. It seems a Butterfly keeps flying from one flower to another in search of nectar without losing enthusiasm. How awesome is our God and how much He loves us He kept everything there for us to hear; see; watch and learn to become better everyday.
Yes enthusiasm is the only driving force that drives people to perform at their best and allows them to achieve the worthiest of causes. And children are the best example. They show so much of enthusiasm to learn new things by questioning mostly. And some times or most of the times we elders simply snub them by common phrase 'you don't know' or 'keep quiet' or 'don't disturb' or 'I am busy'.
This brings me to share what D.L. Moody said-In the past after one of his meetings, he told the host that, that day 3 and Half people came to the Lord. By default the hosting Pastor said it could be 3 elders and 1 child. But according to D L Moody it was the other way-3 children and 1 adult because for an adult already half the life is over. It is the children who have to grow further. It is the children today that become the CHURCH tomorrow.
Enthusiasm is what we tend to loose because of the challenges, trails we face everyday. Today I thank God for reminding me and us to look at His creation the beautiful enthusiastic Butterfly For Jesus surely had so much of enthusiasm in spite of so much adversity within and out but continued to the cross to fulfill the divine purpose to give us the authority to become His children. Therefore let us continue to pursue the purpose of God in our lives with utmost enthusiasm and also 'discipling children'.
We at Shining Stars thank you for praying and supporting us to continue enthusiastically to disciple these children 'The Future Church'. ...
The sincere Christian parent sometimes wonders because he knows salvation is real and he is concerned lest his child substitute youthful enthusiasm for genuine conviction and commitment. Jesus Christ welcomed and blessed children during His incarnate ministry. Mark 10:13-16 reveals an interesting . (http://www.christiananswers.net/)
The Bible says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (Proverbs 17:22 ~ NIV).
~~A little boy was kneeling beside his bed with his mother and grandmother and softly saying his prayers," Dear God, please bless Mummy and Daddy and all the family and please give me a good night's sleep." Suddenly he looked up and shouted, "And don't for get to give me a bicycle for my birthday!!" "There is no need to shout like that," said his mother. "God isn't deaf." "No," said the little boy, "but Grandma is." ~ Author Unknown
As some of you are aware, Shining Stars Teen Fellowship (SSTF) was started and led by one of our staff in the year 2001. More than 30 Teens gather every Saturday to worship and to be discipled. They are now grown up and some of them are continuing the higher studies and some are working, most of them are Still connected to SS. This year they are planning for outreach ministry. Once in a month they are planning to involve in activities like street programmes, church gathering (Sunday or any other meetings), Youth programmes, children programmes (one day camp/retreat) & assemblies at Schools etc. This team wishes to glorify God by distributing tracts, teaching (songs, bible stories etc.) Puppet shows, choreographies, leading worship, skits and dramas etc.
If any of you are interested to use this team and further details, please call at SS in advance and let us know.
Please pray that God will use this team for his glory. Please pray for their security and the leading of Holy Spirit through out their upcoming programmes and the needs like music instruments, puppets, gospel tracts, sound system etc.
Prayer & Praise points Praise God for:
. God gave SS a 8MP digital camera to use in the ministry.
. God providing 5 ltr Pressure cooker
. Blessed Christmas time and carols
. 2 great 5day Sunday School programmes at Vizag & Eluru
. God enabled us to start 3 new Tuition centers (Nandyal-2; Nalgonda-1)
. Release of book 'Before Tying The Knott' written by Mr. Peter Wiig
Please Pray for:
- Up coming New Center leaders Training; Staff retreat; Regular Trainings
- Swathi, Pushpalatha, Madavi, Srilatha, Bharathi, Soujanya, Krishna, Rajini & children from other centres who are preparing for X std. exams.
- Have to shift to new office by Feb end, as the present rent was doubled
- Sirisha one of our youth who is a PHC looking for a job.
- Please pray for direction as we are wishing to construct a permanent office for Shining Stars
- For the salvation of many families our SS staff visit for praying and sharing the Gospel in and around the VST Colony, Nacharam
- God show us like minded churches and individuals who are committed to disciple children
- Sale of the book 'Before Tying the Knot'
Needs of the Ministry:
Puppets (old or new Family set) may cost about Rs. 3600/
Music kit (Key board, drums, guitar & a PA system) for SSTF
One DVD writer cost about Rs.1500/
Needs and funds for conducting VBS 2009
Rs.1 Lakh Up grading Staff salaries from this financial year
Vacuum Cleaner
Book release
Book release
The new book written by our Bro. Peter Wiig for the young people newly married & are planning to marry is published by Person to Person are available at Person To Person as well as Shining Stars.
Contact info.
For American donors:
DM Stearns P.O. Box 1578, North Wales PA 19454
Note: Please designate any gifts for acct. No. 378 in the "memo" section of your check.
If you would like to make a contribution please contact us, or send a DD, Cheque or MO to the following address:
Shining Stars Plot 59 & 60A, VST Colony, Nacharam, Hyderabad, A.P. 500076- I
ndia Ph. 040-27157343
E- mail: shiningstarsindia@hotmail.com
With love & gratefulness,
S. Uttam Kumar