Monday, June 29, 2009


(A News letter for Shining Stars, India) June 2009

Quote of the Month: "When a man blames others for his failures, it is a good idea to credit others with his successes." --Howard W. Newton
The Bible Says: " Jehovah hath spoken: I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. " Isaiah 1:2

Picture of the month

This is a picture from VBS-09 at Nacharam, where about 25 teachers & Volunteers served 150 children for 10 days. Please pray for their continual growth in Christ.

From the Director's pen

"O LORD, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king's cupbearer"-Nehm 1:11
When Nehemiah heard about the broken walls and burned gates of Jerusalem, he broke his heart before God in fasting and prayer. But he desired from the bottom of his heart that God should restore the walls and gates of Jerusalem.
So much so God turned the attention of the King's heart to his cupbearer's sad countenance. The king not only permitted Nehemiah to go to Judah but also gave letters to the governors on the way to help Nehemiah with timber and safe journey. upon Nehemiah's request. Nehemiah's aspiration became his possibilities. He grabbed every possibility to help him to restore walls and gates of Jerusalem. According to the need of the hour let us also be aspiring to build the walls of lives of children and people around us. Our aspirations are our possibilities. We should aspire to reach out to desired destination by being skilful in everything that we do. We should empower ourselves on all levels, perfecting, refining, awakening and expanding. God did not leave us alone to ourselves but gave us His Holy Spirit who is with us and within us to empower us. Let us desire HIM.

V.B.S 2009 - God's hand with us!

It's time to praise God for His great helping hand through out the five weeks of this summer. We had about 22 teachers, & co-teachers committed in reaching 600 children in 8 different places of A P and Nacharam too. Please pray that all 600 children will continue meditating the Word they learned in the VBS.
We thank you very much for your prayers. We thank all those who have contributed financially for the success of the VBS 2009.

God's wonder:
We would like to share the amazing grace of God with the 10th Std Children. God honored all our sincere prayers, and blessed all these children who wrote SSC'09 exam are passed. Their marks are as follows:

Name Tel Hind Eng Maths Science Social Total
Srilatha 80 69 59 76 56 60 400
Bharathi 88 85 75 63 79 80 470
Rajini 77 36 44 57 52 50 316
Sowjanya 59 54 52 68 53 47 333
Madhavi 67 66 55 37 46 41 312
Swathi 66 24 43 40 48 45 266
Pushpalatha 79 68 58 60 58 71 394

Prayer Requests

Please Pray for:
- God's provision for the next fiscal year to run His ministry.
- The children, who are getting new admission into school and colleges.
- The ministry team to be used for His glory.
- God's wisdom for enhancement of Shining Star Ministry and the Mission
- Pray that God's people are committed to build God's Kingdom-His people

Praise God for:
- His hand on VBS and His providence to success.
- He provided a good conditioned one year old refrigerator through His children.
- His protection during the hot summer VBS.
- For successfully completing 13th Year of Shining Stars on 5 March '09
- Annual General Body Meeting
- Good weather and God's protection throughout out the summer.

Needs of the Ministry
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Two (5' x 6') Sleep well Mattresses for Pre-School children
- Stand alone LCD Projector Screen
- Pray for the various needs of our partnering Pastors, Churches and individuals
- Pray for the needs of SS Pre-School as they look forward to new admissions this year 2009.
- Pray for direction as we are wishing to construct a permanent office for Shining Stars
- God show us like minded churches and individuals who are committed to disciple children

We have planned our Staff Retreat at Ooty please pray for God's providence for Accommodation for all.

The Book available: The new book written by our Bro. Peter Wiig for the young people newly married & are planning to marry is published by

Person to Person are available at PTP as well as SS. Cost a donation of Rs. 100.00
Contact info.
DM Stearns
P.O. Box 1578, North Wales
PA 19454

Note: Please designate any gifts for acct. No. 378 in the "memo" section of your check.
If you would like to make a contribution please contact us, or send a DD, Cheque or MO to the following address:

Shining Stars
Plot 59 & 60A, VST Colony, Nacharam,
Hyderabad, A.P. 500076- India
Ph. 040-27157343
E- mail: or Director's email:

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